Teach. Learn. Share. Play. Repeat.

Monday, January 8, 2018

2018: It's About Time

2018. It’s about time.
    “New Year’s resolutions are passe’. Think New Day resolutions instead…”
       – Bonnie Neubauer, Author of The Write Brain Workbook: 366 Exercises to liberate your writing

Ben Franklin's daily agenda: note the morning question.
         2018. A new year with a new number.  A chance to reset.  Refresh.  We have 365 chances in 2018 to make a new day resolution. Just to let 2018 know who’s in charge, a 2018 numerical rabbit hole expedition will commence shortly. We do not know what lies before us but a numerical serendipity exercise might help us find the edu-groove we seek in 2018.

We have twelve months again this year. Like a very big litter of puppies. They look happy, sleepy, sassy, shy and inquisitive. Good news, we don’t have to just pick one.  We get to play with and take care of all of them. 2018 divided by 12 (months) is 168.16. We have roughly 168.16 students that we teach and learn with daily.  Except we don’t have the .16…unless that efers to that kid you still don’t really now and easily forget he is even there.  Go find Mr. .16 and make him #1 on day 1 of the 2018 academic year.
You are going to feel like you are working 24/7 a few times this year.  There is a reason you work like that.  They call it “passion,” but it might look like “stress.” Find your support team. Go for a run. 2018 divided by 24 (hours-a-day) is 84.  There are 84 days in 2018 before Spring Break Eve.  You can teach & learn like your hair is on fire for 84 days and kids would pay to be part of that.

     Tick tock.  If your hair is on fire no one will be watching the clock.  But 2018 divided by 60 (seconds) is 6.08333.  In 6.08333 seconds the International Space Station can travel the 29 miles from over the summit of Mount Diablo to Fairfield High School.  In a 29-mile radius around Fairfield High School there are approximately 1.9 million people.  Those are “googleable” answers, but from there the connected math, science, language, economics, culture and geography questions are unlimited.  Challenge. Question. Shake things up and make learning an epic journey. (see Trevor Muir’s book The Epic Classroomhttp://www.trevormuir.com/epic/


     2018 divided by 365 is 5.5.  That is approximately the daily amount of time we prep for, plan for, mull over, get excited about- that is our “contact time” with students.  Your Personal Learning Network time on Twitter, weekend EdCamps, formal and informal collaboration, Sunday night lesson plan tweaks and mid-day Monday lesson overhaul- it’s all about the students.  5.5 hours.  Hit the stage. Crank the volume. It’s time.

    Yes, 2018/1= 2018. One year. Multiple chances. Daily resolutions.  A chance to do good--lots of it.  

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